Wednesday, June 1, 2011

beauty of nepal

Thank god were here! Upon entering Nepal the mood visible lifted. Partly due to the horrendous bus journeys through India and partly due to India not being the best place we visited. I can’t quite put my finger on why but there is something about India that I really couldn’t quite take to, which was disappointing really. But Nepal…wow! Such a contrast in such a short space of time. The people here are friendlier, more accommodating and generally seemingly nicer people. And the scenery is breathtaking! Seriously, its strange how in such a short distance from the border the change in the atmosphere from India is remarkable.

So, first stop is Chitwan National Park and the Hotel Park Side. We arrive late afternoon after a pleasant bus journey through the hills and mountains of Nepal and marvelling at the surrounding backdrop of this beautiful country. The colours, in complete contrast to that of India, mesmerising and beautiful. Upon de-bagging in our room we go for a well earned drink at the small bar and a meal, which was scrumptious. Without any light pollution or nearby busy roads we are greeted to our new temporary home to the
Border control
Border control on the Indian/Nepal border
sounds of
Border control
Border control on the Indian/Nepal borderthe jungle. The crickets making their usual racket,
the birds singing the goodnight songs to all in earshot….it was just incredible. The sun sets beyond the horizon leaving this beautiful black sky full of the stars that surround this incredible world. Life doesn’t get much better than this, does it?

The following day we’re up early for a short trek to the riverside, grabbing the odd plant as we walk through the village (yep, those ’special’ plants) where we embark on a blissful cruise along the river and through the centre of the jungle. Everyone aboard seems to relax, our minds wandering as we all sit quietly taking in the surroundings, the colours, the sounds, the sights. Kingfishers in abundance seem to follow the canoes, teasing those of us trying to take their photos! Chitwan is stunning. Some history and a walk through the local village, a trek through the jungle, riding the elephants and chasing Rhino through the jungle added to a great introduction to Nepal. This place is fantastic!

Pokhara sits in the shadows of the Annapuna Mountain range offering its occupants these magnificent views.
Chitwan, Nepal.
Different to Chitwan, but stunning in its own way. We
Chitwan, Nepal.decide to
go paragliding to see more of this beautiful place, which for me is quite a feat as I’m scared of heights!! But it was fan-bloody-tastic!

Liam & I decide to hire a couple of scooters and head of to explore, weaving our way through the traffic and going as far as the roads and weather would allow. As we enter one village we are surrounded by huge hills/mountains (when does a hill become a mountain?) we see these dark, dark clouds coming in. Then, thunder…..lightening…..uh oh! We turn and start to head back with the sky getting darker…..then the clouds let go these huge, golf ball sized hail stones. I dart into a small bar as the heavens open, Liam nowhere to be seen. As the storm subsides I’m worried slightly and go looking for the boy then decide that he’s big enough to look after himself, so head back to the hotel, absolutely soaking wet, as the rain is still falling. I get back only to find Liam is already back and dry!!! Ah, it was great fun!


Chitwan, Nepal
My time in Kathmandu is totally relaxed, there is no stress here and I‘m just chilling
Chitwan, Nepaland thinking about the rest of my
journey in Nepal A few of us grab a taxi and head to Bhaktapur, the third largest city in Kathmandu valley and was once the capital of Nepal. Bhaktapur is rich in culture, temples and wood, metal and stone artwork and walking around the great place was awe inspiring. The interesting taxi ride back in the small car of a young local lad was, bumpy to say the least, but he got us back to our place.

A couple of us decide to have an evening out and go for some food and drink, ending in a bar full of charity workers from Switzerland. A few drinks later (well, more than a few) ended in me having to be carried back!! Yep, I was wasted. Shockingly so. Ah well…..its not often that I get that bad, I think I just got carried away with the evening.

Sadly we have to leave this beautiful country and go back to India, something I’m not looking forward to.

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