Saturday, June 11, 2011

Are you satisfied with the media coverage of the Bilderberg conference?

f by media coverage you mean Prison Planet and Infowars, then yes. If you're talking mainstream, establishment-all-the-way. propaganda we euphemistically call "the nightly news", I can't recall a time when I was satisfied with their coverage of events, but it seems a lot more controlled than it was growing up. One thing is for sure: the internet has been a real thorn in the side of the propaganders. There are places to read alternate views from around the world and a lot of what has been relegated to the "conspiracy loony bin," is being talked about at least some by the mainstream establishment outlets for that reason. Would we, collectively speaking, even know about the Bilberbergers w/out Alex Jones? Of course he's not the only one but one person can make a difference. And that give me some hope in these dark times.

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